Helping Biz Owners & Sales Professionals Systematically Achieve Laser Focus, Consistency & Confidence DAILY While Removing Self Sabotaging Behaviours And Habits

Through The Mastery of The Mind, Body & Spirit

Enter Your Information Below to Get Instant Access to the Ultimate Self Mastery Playbook: How To Turn Your Yearly Income Into Your Monthly Income Through Self Mastery & Reality Creation.

This interactive playbook will guide you through 11 advanced principles to develop the mindset, identity and level of consciousness required to grow your income and brand with power. Bonuses include Worksheets & video trainings

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Jordan Lee is originally from a small village in the West of Ireland, growing up in the countryside with his family. For many years they struggled financially and spiritually to really thrive in the world around them.

Feeling limited, he felt called to pursue his curiosities in business and personal development after battling through addictions, feelings of loneliness and being misunderstood in his teenage years and early 20’s.

He felt trapped on the traditional 9-5 path so after graduating from college he quit his factory and retail jobs to go all in on starting an online marketing agency.

Here he was helping brands and Entrepreneurs grow their business with content, community and advertising systems and strategies.

In this phase of life he worked with a variety of clients across different industries and discovered his voice, values and vision through content creation and experimentation.

Years later he now travels the world coaching and consulting business owners and sales professionals in the areas of performance, mindset along with personal branding and community branding with a strong orientation on the spiritual side of life.

Jordan's mission is to play a key role raising the collective consciousness of humanity by helping people achieve a deep level of internal mastery. The aim is to help people truly uncover and live their true purpose in its fullest expression and achieve time, location and financial freedom from a place of Power rather than Force.

The way he does this is by optimising personal and professional performance through uniting the Mind, Body & Spirit and using his variety of skills to build unique and custom businesses around a client's vision, mission and values.

"Jordan helped me unpack the self doubts and limiting beliefs that have been holding me back from building a coaching business for such a long time"

Josh Hopkins

Mens Coach

"I just secrued my dream apartment after landing two new sales roles this month! it's crazy how all this all came from the work we did"

Peter Kovac

Remote Sales Professional

"Jordan helped me massively with showing me how to have the confidence to build a online business. He is the reason I got my first client."

Daniel Crean

Agency Owner